5 Boys in the Band is released!

The first book in the 5 Boys series began as an experiment: write a Reverse Harem novel. Heck, just write a novel. It was written in secret, surrounded by frantically revising students, when the sky was dark and cold. I made a promise to myself to finish it, and I did.

I wanted it to be a lighthearted, steamy, fast-burn, OTT romance. But, as these things so often happen, the characters spoke louder than my intentions. They took over my head so I gave them a series.

These characters have kept me awake at night, have kept me distracted from the humdrum, and have helped start to steer my life in the direction I want. Most of all, they gave me something I didn’t expect: they made me fall back in love with writing. I hope their personalities come across as individually as they do for me.

Read it now on Amazon.

5 Boys in the Band is released! Read More »